Get In Touch


Plot No. 733, Village Cherath, Anoopshare Road Aligarh, (U.P.) -202001

Frequently Asked Question!

Where can I find you?

If you want to meet us or contact us please feel free to connect here

Is your site secure?

Our website is completely secure and we do not collect any of your personal information.

How can I order?

You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it to cart, login and go through the ordering process. After the order is ready, you will receive order summary to your email. Order summary will also be stored to your account.

Where do your items come from?

There are a variety of products that we offer to our customers and all of the products are of different origin which required to be shipped from all over the globe from different geographical locations in order to get the best of the best quality we bring our raw materials from different regions.

I got some unacceptable products, what do I do?

We will make sure that you never got unacceptable product, but even though if this happens please mail us or contact us on phone number provided on our contact us page.

What information should I input when ordering?

our online ordering system will ask for all the important information you should submit.

What are delivery charges?

Delivery charges are dependent on the shipment requirements. If the products on your order are due to special requirements extra fee will be added to the shipment charges. You can see the shipping fees on the checkout process before the payment is made.

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